Home Curtains

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Horizon Blinds Dubai

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Home Curtains

A house is a place where you feel comfortable as well as try to maintain it. If windows are the main soul of the house then curtains are necessary to give a décor look. Installing home curtains are quite important as they give shape and frame to the room. The home curtains can be hung on a curtain rod installed above the window and it provides plenty of benefits with privacy as well as tends to block the sunlight and obstruct the heat from entering the room through the window.

Different types of home curtains with various designs and colors are available in the market. The curtains for the house are chosen because of their fabric. The high quality of the fabric will be, the extraordinary comfort as well as the texture it will have. Cotton is mainly used for the manufacturing of home curtains. As it is organic as well as it provides comfort so the curtains manufactured by the cotton fabric are exported all over the world at a reasonable price. With various styles, length, depth, and color set the tone of your room and created a simple glossy look.

Different Types of Home Curtains

There are different types of home curtains used for decoration. Different curtains have different styles. Some are unique while others are shiny. Some home curtains are pleated and hang on a rod having a different and elegant structure. Some are used for blocking the whole sunlight, and some just for a little light. Some are used for decoration or some just used as household accessories for maintaining the windows. Following are some home curtains below:

  • Pinch pleat curtains
  • Box pleat curtains
  • Goblet pleat curtains
  • Pencil pleat curtains
  • Eylet curtains
  • Rod pocket curtains
  • Tab top curtains
  • Valance curtains
  • Pleated curtains:

Pleated curtains are best for providing formal or traditional style. Pleated curtains are usually made up of heavier fabric so it will give a heavy and thicker look while hanging.

  • Box pleat curtains:

Box pleat curtains are mostly favorable for dining or lounge rooms. The curtains contain folds that run deep providing full coverage across the entire length of fabric.

  • Goblet pleat:

These home curtains are large, with high ceilings. It is used for formal rooms, having a finer structure of pleats. These curtains are used for decoration but need minimal care and are not a good option for ordinary use.

  • Pencil pleat:

Pencil pleat curtains have a thinner structure and can be easily hooked into the rods. It can be washed easily. Pencil pleat curtains are perfect for living rooms and do not require much formality.

  • Eylet curtains:

Eyelet curtains are unique and modern style. It consists of open rings at the top of the curtains. The rings support the panels. The rings in it are used to open or close the curtains without uninstalling the whole curtain. These eyelet curtains are perfect for the home curtains.

  • Rod pocket curtains:

Rod pocket curtains are lightweight and used in a casual manner. These curtains are easy to use and assemble. You just have to slip the curtain rod for opening and closing.

  • Tab top curtains:

Tab top curtains are easy to set up just like eyelet curtains. Tab top curtains have loops that support the home curtains as well as hang from the top of the curtains.

  • Valance curtains:

Valance curtains are short curtains for the windows which are mainly hung at the top of it. Valance curtains are normally used for decoration. It gives a specific and great look to the windows.

Why You Should Choose Us?

Curtains are necessary for the home as it is the main element of home decoration and provides full safety and stylish themes. We are providing you with the best home curtains manufactured with the best fabric and elegant colors. Various sizes and designs of home curtains are available here. Our company situated in Dubai is making design curtains as well as the contrasting theme for home decoration curtains which will give your windows a stylish and well elegant look. Different types of curtains with numerous features are available at a reasonable price with guaranteed quality.

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