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Horizon Blinds Dubai

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Drapery Curtains

Drapery curtains are curtains usually used for decoration. It is a window treatment and can be used around the windows. You can install it around the windows. Curtains are much more different than draperies. Curtains are made up of different fabric whereas drapery curtains have an extra lining which tends to block the light passing through the window. Drapery curtains are always installed at the top of the window and have a length to the floors. The puddling effect is created by drapery curtains. It is more formal and stylish than curtains, whereas curtains are old fashioned.

Benefits of Drapery Curtains

Following are some functions and benefits of drapery curtains:

  • Noise reduction:

Drapery curtains usually reduce the noise. It can reduce the noise from a neighboring house too. With drapery curtains in your bedroom, you will be guaranteed to have a perfect and comfortable sleep without any disturbance from outside.

  • Privacy:

Drapery curtains can provide privacy to the room. It can blackout the whole area as it has a double lining with some fold. You can easily enjoy your privacy from your members as well as stop the seeing of neighbors from outside.

  • Light control:

Drapery curtains control the UV light and protect the windows from being damaged. Direct sunlight can damage the floors, as well as furniture of the room, walls, or windows. You can make your windows safe and secure by installing drapery curtains into your windows and enjoy the movie as the sunlight will not be able to reflect on your cell phone or TV screen, the drapery curtains with more folding are much better for this task. Drapery curtains add a certain level of style to the room. It helps in reducing the glare as most of the rooms are full of sunlight which makes the place hotter. Drapery curtains block the light and obstruct the heat out of the room. Drapery curtains are thick fabric and have a darker color. If you are looking for room curtains with a little light, you can use sheer curtains for it as it will not block the light but allow the little light to enter through it and you can enjoy it.

  • Ideal sizing:

Drapery curtains are the best choice for covering the windows. Whether you have large windows or small ones it will cover the whole area and will provide a stylish décor look to the lounge.

  • Thermal:

Drapery curtains are perfect for extreme cold weather. It works as thermal insulation as it consists of a double layer of folding which allows the home to heat up in cold weather by sunlight, while in hot weather it makes the area colder.

  • Versatile and space:

Draper curtains are stylish curtains and it is designed in a manner that keeps the whole room space bigger.

  • Durable:

Drapery curtains are much durable because of the fabric used in it. It keeps the curtains long and requires a wash once a month. It has a heavy material with an extraordinary texture which keeps it safe from wearing and tearing.

Why Choose Us ?

We manufacture and export the best drapery curtains all over the world. Our company situated in Dubai is producing extraordinary and good looking various curtains. The curtains of our company are guaranteed for a lifetime and our delivery services are much more convenient and reasonable and finest than other companies. Our drapery curtains are manufactured with a piece of well quality fabric and can be obtained in different color designs with multiple patterns and unique ideas according to your customer’s choice and demand.

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